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Friday, September 14, 2012

How My Depression Can Help You - Jim Woods

You probably haven’t noticed I was depressed recently. I hope this post will help you.

Despite what many think my ranting has a dual purpose. To be authentic. To help you as well as myself. We have far too many shallow people. I am a smart man but I'm working out my life as I go along just like you. The last two months have been the most traumatic of my life. I married the love of my life only to awaken one morning with her having absconded with everything I had owned. Everything!! By the time I entered my office that morning she had not only left with everything she had changed her Facebook status as well. She took more than things. My hard earned reputation. Emptied my bank and PayPal accounts. Literally everything. And worst cheated on me. So, here is the point to this personal, very painful story. 

I went into a state of depression which you would not have known. Wondering what did I do wrong. Where could I have been better. I worked hardest on myself not her. I forgave her. Then I went back to work. So, here is why you should listen carefully. All change comes from the inside out. And, if love or a business does not work out, you open the blinds, and go back to work on every area of your life. Just like I did. Because my friend, it takes guts not stupidity for me to write this. If I can rise above what has happened to me, so can you. Whatever you are going through I understand you. You will be just fine. Now stand up into the light.

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