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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's Not Them It's You. How To Develop Courage and Overcome "I Don't Deserve It" Patterns That Destroy

Faith is the catalyst of all belief. 

Healthy self-esteem means thinking as highly of yourself as you think of your friends and peers. We are so used to negative feedback that we are more aware of our weaknesses than our strengths. We are often taught we will "fail," so it is often hard to enjoy success, no matter how small each "success" might be. We are likewise taught that humility is thinking less of ourselves and more highly of others. 

Self esteem is believing one is worthy of happiness. 





Almost all negative thinking and depression are the result of low self esteem. This significantly impacts our career, relationships and health. When we believe we are depressed we invariably believe we are worthless. The deeper the depression the greater the fatigue of hopelessness. Ultimately this transforms into self-dislike causing one to feel deficient in all the qualities we value such as: intelligence, achievement, popularity, attractiveness, health and strength. 

Until ones reality is frequented by tremendous weighted feelings that one is defeated, defective, deserted, unloved, unwanted, and deprived.  There is more to this in my seminars and coaching.

Try these steps for greater self esteem: 

  1. Celebrate your strengths and achievements.
  2. Forgive yourself for your mistakes.
  3. Don't dwell on your weaknesses; every human has them.
  4. Change the way you talk to yourself--stop putting yourself down!
  5. Be sure that you are not judging yourself against unreasonable standards.
  6. Berating yourself for your weaknesses is self-defeating. Use that energy for positive thoughts about you.

People With High Self-Esteem Are:.

  1. Accept and learn from thier own mistakes.
  2. Confident without being obnoxious or conceited.
  3. Not devastated by criticism.
  4. Not overly defensive when questioned.
  5. Not easily defeated by setbacks and obstacles.
  6. Unlikely to feel a need to put others down.
  7. Open and assertive in communicating their needs.
  8. Not overly worried about failing or looking foolish.
  9. Not harshly or destructively critical of themselves.
  10. Not aggressively driven to prove themselves.
  11. Able to laugh at themselves, not taking themselves too seriously.


Need one on one coaching or a speaker? Contact Jim to discuss how he can help you. 

Jim Woods is principal and founder of InnoThink Group. Jim is a business turnaround expert. His story is riveting. He has worked with government, U.S. Army, MITRE Corporation, Pitney Bowes, Whirlpool, and 3M. Jim’s business experiences, extensive research on competitive strategy and innovation have given him a fresh perspective on improving individual and organizational performance. Jim is a prolific speaker on strategic innovation, creative leadership, uncertainty and competitive strategy. Speak with us for consulting or speaking engagements call 719-266-6703 or click here for more information. Follow Jim on Twitter. Follow Jim on Facebook.  



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