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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Getting Back to the Human Side of Human Resources: How to Make Online Recruiting More Effective | Idea Climatology


By my new cool friend Tony V who really gets it! I strongly encourage you to subscribe to his blog. Jim W


By Anthony Vengrove

Recently, the Wall Street Journal featured a piece that caught my attention, Software Raises Bar for Hiring.  For the past several months I have been privately fuming over how silly the job application process has become.  Evidently, Peter Cappelli (Wharton School of Business) seems to agree with my feelings on this subject.

 Via The Wall Street Journal:

In an essay in this newspaper last fall, Peter Cappelli … challenged the oft-heard complaint from employers that they can’t find good workers with the right skills.  ”The real culprits are the employers themselves,” he asserted.

“For every story about an employer who can’t find qualified applicants, there’s a counterbalancing tale about an employer with ridiculous hiring requirements,” [Cappelli] says.  In many companies, software has replaced recruiters, he writes, so “applicants rarely talk to anyone, even by email, during the hiring process.”



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