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Thursday, May 24, 2012

You Are Beautiful Just The Way You Are

If you think this view of earth from the moon is breathtaking, just imagine how breathtaking you are to your creator from any view. Pass it on. Jim


Join the Courageous Living Revolution 

A respected life strategist, Jim is both inspired and inspiring with a pin point ability to see through to the core of the issues at hand and to address them straight on. It is his instinct and intuition, honed over 25 years of consulting and coaching private clients, that truly sets him apart. Jim’s spirit and delivery are impeccably delivered in a no nonsense manner resulting in maximum results.   

Jim’s passion for overcoming emotional fears was born of personal tragedy. He lived in his car following the divorce of his marriage of 30 years. In overcoming the legacy of this terrifying life stopping experience, Jim developed the principles and resources that he would later use to heal himself and so many others.

Today, Jim is a management consultant and speaker to leading companies. His past clients are: Whirlpool Corporation, MITRE and Lush Cosmetics. To have Jim speak to your organization or work with you privately contact him at 719-649-4118 or email.

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