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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

How To Avoid Commoditization - Scott Dadich on Designing Wired Magazine

Today Lipitor the world's best selling drug will become generic. Sadly, so will most businesses. That is called commoditization. Commoditization is ordinarily mind numbing despite well intentioned. In a business it is when not enough people salivate for your product; when customers go elsewhere. Commoditization is a greater scourge than the economy. Avoiding it can be the sought after accelerator out of the Great Recession. Below Scott Dadich of Wired Magazine provides a simple way to meangifully be distinctlybetter. Eh - Let's just call this what it is. Hmmm. How about innovating? That'll work. Talk to us about our 28 day program to strengthen your innovation capabilities to drive growth.  


Consulting, Speaking & Coaching. Driving Growth through Innovation  

Innothink Group is a strategic management and innovation consultancy. Where many consulting firms are reluctant to bear risks or tie their rewards to project outcomes, we decided to build a better model. We align our success with yours. We’re outcome obsessed, outcome paid, putting over a third of our fees at risk subject o hitting predetermined milestones. More than a guarantee we wanted from the outset to create true partnerships. 

For speaking, coaching or consulting inquiries contact: 

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