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Thursday, May 10, 2012

How "My Way or The Highway Numbs Innovation" and Growth in The Great Recession

The next time a leader or manager tell me "People are our greatest asset," I am going to slap them. I have seen it in practice only once. One would think in a global recession dispassionate hierarchical leadership driven by fear would be a relic of the past.

Too bad. For in a world panting for the truly great company or product we continue to see companies cling to the numbing effects of commoditization through abhorring, "My way or the highway." 

The most important meeting during an organization's day isn't the conference call with shareholders. It is honestly listening to real world internal and external customer needs from the mouths of front line workers.  A marketing agency or staff member well cushioned from the real effects of their decisions down wind can't deliver.  Call them "worker bees" at your peril. They can tell an organization volumes about innovating in the real world.

Consulting, Speaking & Coaching. Driving Growth through Innovation 

Innothink Group is a strategic management and innovation consultancy. Where many consulting firms are reluctant to bear risks or tie their rewards to project outcomes, we decided to build a better model. We align our success with yours. We’re outcome obsessed, outcome paid, putting over a third of our fees at risk subject o hitting predetermined milestones. More than a guarantee we wanted from the outset to create true partnerships.


For speaking, coaching or consulting inquiries contact:  

Email: CEO Jim Woods

Call: +1 719- 649-4118


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